General Pharmacy

What is USP General Chapter 797 and What Does It Have to Do with Me?

****On September 23, 2019, the USP announced that they were postponing the official dates of the revised and and the new chapter. In the interim, the currently official chapters of (last revised in 2014) and (last revised in 2008) remain official.

What does this mean to you precisely?

Pharmacies can still use the three stages of risk (high, medium and low) instead of the proposed two categories.
The maximum expiration date of 14 days is still acceptable (as opposed to the proposed 10 days in the new version).
You will not need to do Media fill and fingertip testing twice a year yet.
UCONN is leaving this continuing education active and available to you in anticipation of USP’s next decision. Once the USP makes additional changes, we will publish additional CE.****

2 hours of CE
Release Date: September 10, 2019
Expiration Date: September 10, 2021

Pharmacist:  $7
Pharmacy Technician: $4
Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician Quiz
