vintage photo of students in a pharmacy class

Celebrating 100 Years of
UConn's School of Pharmacy.

100 Years of Excellence

As I planned and prepared for our centennial activities, I had the opportunity to reflect on not only our history and our future, but how the two go hand in hand.  This reflection took the shape of meetings with friends, calls to former students, and cross-country reunions.  I had the privilege to hear the memories that changed you and the experiences that shaped your futures.

Last spring, I spoke with, who I am officially dubbing, a “UConn School of Pharmacy Legend”, Dan Leone (PHARM ’53).  He recounted the transition of his 1953 class from the original building in New Haven to the Storrs campus, marking the first of many changes the School would see.  He spoke of the many challenges brought by the move: classes were spread all over campus and laboratories weren’t in ideal condition.  The move and its accompanying challenges led the 1953 class to be informally named “the transition class,” creating a unique bond among its members.

I also caught up with William Hait (PHARM ‘65) and his son Adam Hait (PHARM ‘93), both alumni and both in classes that experienced significant changes at the School. William was a member of the first class to enter into the School’s five-year professional program and Adam was a member of the last class in the five-year program before our shift into a six-year program. As the pair recounted their memories it was a joy to see how their experiences parallel despite being of two different generations.

More recently, I reminisced with our Master Gardener, Dr. Kate Wheeler, about the replanting of the Medicinal Garden in 2018.  The School’s move to its current building in 2005 left behind the beloved medicinal garden.  With its replanting, many alumni from the 70’s classes were reminiscent of the bond they shared during the garden’s earlier years, some citing that they remembered the garden more than the building they attended classes in.

Throughout these conversations, a common theme emerged: family. Everyone I spoke with this past year mentioned a deep sense of camaraderie and the genuine connections they made during their time at the School. Hearing these sentiments from former students across generations was profoundly moving. How many schools can say they have not only consistently produced students who excel in their field but have also nurtured a deep and memorable sense of community for 100 years? As I look toward the future, we will need to continue to welcome change, some brought by artificial intelligence, some by policy shifts within the field, and some by factors not yet foreseen. But despite the need for inevitable change, I am committed to honoring a century-long School of Pharmacy tradition: fostering an environment so supportive it feels like family.

Dean Philip Hritcko

dean hritcko head shot

pharm d student graduating


The UConn School of Pharmacy is dedicated to improving its academic programs, investing in innovative technologies, and expanding professional development opportunities for both students and faculty as it celebrates its centennial. The School sincerely appreciates the generous donors whose contributions make a UConn education more accessible through scholarships, fellowships, and support during unexpected hardships. You can make a meaningful impact by contributing to:

  • School of Pharmacy Student Emergency Fund
  • Pharmacy Annual Fund
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences Alumni Fellowship Fund

Thank you for helping the UConn School of Pharmacy uphold its tradition of excellence.

Give Now!

grid of student photos from various decades

Timeline: A Century of Excellence, Innovation, and Care

Journey back in time and explore the early years of the UConn School of Pharmacy. Discover the milestones that have shaped our legacy and learn how we plan to honor our history as we look forward to the next 100 years.


The Connecticut College of Pharmacy, known today as the UConn School of Pharmacy, opens its doors for the first time on October 20.


The College holds its first commencement ceremony.


The College awards its first four-year Bachelor of Science degrees.


The College is included in the first list of accredited schools and colleges by the American Council of Pharmaceutical Education.


The Connecticut College of Pharmacy becomes the College of Pharmacy at the University of Connecticut.


The American Council on Pharmaceutical Education fully accredits the School.


The School awards its first Master’s degree.


The School moves into the newly constructed pharmacy building on Fairfield Way.


The School grants its first Ph.D.


The first five-year baccalaureate program (RPH) class graduates.


The School establishes a Drug Information Center at the Newington Health Center with the support of the UConn Health Center Department of Pharmacy.


The first Pharm.D. class graduates


The new medicinal garden is planted outside the Pharmacy/Biology Building. 


During the COVID-19 pandemic, students serve the greater community by participating in immunization clinics and training.


The School will shape the next century of health care, promoting our innovative research and embracing new technologies including AI for medical reconciliation education.

grid of student photos from various decades
Until the 100th Birthday
October 20, 2025
centennial celebration - save the date, October 18, 2025

Kick Off Celebration

Kick Off Celebration

UConn Today: A Dose of History

  • As Valentine’s Day approaches, the UConn School of Pharmacy wants to celebrate the chemistry we find in and out of our classrooms. Meeting at UConn and bonding over their passion for pharmacy, here are two heartfelt love stories. From the heart of UConn Pharmacy, these couples have inspired us to do what we love with the people we love. After all, love is the best medicine!

Your Memories