Exam Soft Tutorials
Grades are distributed by the professor stated in the course syllabus.
System Requirements:
The following is the system requirements to run ExamSoft's Examplify software used for in-person exams.
System Requirements for ExamSoft's Examplify for PC:
CPU = 1.86Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo or greater.
RAM = highest recommended for the operating system or 2GB
Hard Drive = highest recommended for the operating system or 1 GB of free space
Operating System = Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10, including Windows 10 Creators
Note: Windows 10 RT and Windows 10 S are not are not supported at this time
Software = Internet connection for Examplify Installation, Exam Download and Upload
Screen Resolution must be 1024x768 or higher
System Requirements for Examsoft's Examplify for Apple/Mac:
CPU = Intel processor
RAM = 2 GB
Hard Drive = 1 GB or higher free disk space
Operating System = Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra), Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra), Mac OS X 10.14 (Mojave)
Screen resolution = 1024 x 768 or higher
Software = Internet connection for Examplify Installation, Exam Download and Upload
Complio Tutorials
Complio is used for immunization and experiential requirement compliance tracking. Please be aware that there are costs involved with meeting requirements, which are your responsibility. You must have uploaded all your documentation and be in FULL compliance to participate in rotations. Some of our sites may have additional requirements such as drug screenings, additional immunizations, and fingerprinting which will be discussed with you later in the semester.
In the Document Library under the P1 Student Orientation Material folder, access the document called “Complio-Student User Guide” which provides you a guide on how to use Complio. It is important that you create your account. Follow the instructions on the guide. The first thing you will want to order is the “Immunizations Package”. There is an annual fee of $15.00, which is your responsibility.
Our program requires that you must document you are current with immunizations and have proven immunity. You must be compliant with the following requirements:
1. A physical exam- (provide your healthcare provider the “Health Review form” found on Complio to complete)-Please make sure your provider fills the form out in its entirety.
2. Quantitative (a titer with a numerical value) titers for: Measles, Mumps, Rubella,(MMR); Varicella; Hepatitis B
3. Tdap within last 10 years
4. Tuberculosis (PPD/Quantiferon)
If you have completed any of the requirements listed above, please follow the directions on the Complio-Student User Guide – uploading documents.
Please be aware if you are unable to demonstrate, through written documentation, that you are current with your immunizations and can show immunity through quantitative titers, you may not be able to secure a clinical experience (by Spring semester). Evidence of immunity and costs associated with testing (and/or re-testing) are your responsibility.
Additional Complio Student Help Videos
CEI – Also known as CEIMPACT is a resource for many educational offerings for our students. As a student in the School of Pharmacy, you are expected to complete annual training requirements. You will be required to complete the following educational offerings:
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard 2020
HIPAA Privacy Training for Health Professionals 2020
The “Other” Part of HIPAA: The Security Rule 2020
Tuberculosis Training Overview 2020
Covid-19 Safe Practices for Pharmacy Learners
You can access the programs via CORE ELMS >External Resources>CEI > Log in to CEI account and use 20CONNS as access code>Click on student catalog. Courses available to you will be listed as NO COST.
Access opens August 1 and your online work needs to be complete by September 15.
You will need to upload the certificates of completion on Complio in order to be compliant.
Core Elms Tutorials
Core Elms is our rotation management system. This system allows you to maximize your learning experience as it will aid you in your placements through intelligent algorithms and tools to research sites, select sites and prioritize site selections. The system eases administrative tasks once you are in your experience such as submitting hours, completing evaluations, encounters, workbooks, etc.