Michael J. Pikal Symposium
Hands-on Basic Lyophilization Short Course: August 13-14, 2024
Symposium: August 14-15, 2024
The inaugural Michael J. Pikal Symposium will be held in honor of the late Professor Michael J. Pikal, a leader in the field of freeze-drying for the preservation of pharmaceuticals. Innovative research will be presented by thought leaders from academia and industry.

Keynote Speaker – Dr. Steven L. Nail
Dr. Steven L. Nail retired from the position of Senior Research Scientist at Baxter Biopharma Solutions, Bloomington, IN. His career spanned almost 50 years specializing in the development and manufacture of parenteral products, with a special interest in the science and technology of freeze-drying. Dr. Nail is a Fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. In 2007, he received the AAPS Research Achievement Award in Pharmaceutical Technology. He served as Guest Editor for the September 2009 issue of Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences dedicated to Professor Pikal.
August 13-14, 2024 Pre-conference Short Course
August 14, 2024, Pharmacy Biology Building (School of Pharmacy), Room PBB 131
1:30pm-2:00pm Registration
2:00 pm-2:15 pm Welcome- Robin H. Bogner
2:15 pm -2:30 pm Opening Remarks- Dean Philip Hritcko
Scientific Session 1. Moderator: Yongchao Su, Senior Principal Scientist, Merck
2:30 pm-3:00 pm Robin H. Bogner, Professor, University of Connecticut
Slow is Fast: Reducing the Primary Drying Time by Slow Freezing by Controlled Ice Nucleation or Annealing
3:00pm-3:30 pm Serguei Tchessalov, Research Fellow, Pfizer
Spray Freeze-Drying of Pharmaceuticals – The Future is Close
3:30pm-4:00 pm Emily Gong, Principal Scientist, Physical Sciences Incorporated
Formulation Dependent Absorption of Microwave Energy and the Effect on Drying Rates
4:00 pm-4:30 pm Panel Discussions
4:30pm-6:00pm Free time
6:00 pm-7:30 pm Reception & Buffet dinner, The Graduate Storrs Hotel
7:30 pm-8:15 pm Pikal Family Welcome- Mary, Amy, and Kathy
Steven L. Nail - Keynote Address
Pharmaceutical Freeze-Drying: A Look Back, and a Look Ahead
August 15, 2024, Pharmacy Biology Building (School of Pharmacy), Room PBB 131
7:30 am-8:30 am Breakfast
Scientific Session 2. Moderator: Sajal Patel, Senior Director, AstraZeneca
8:30 am -9:00 am Raj Suryanarayanan, William and Mildred Peters Endowed Chair, University of Minnesota
Implications of Excipient Phase Behavior on Protein Stability
9:00 am -9:30 am Yongchao Su, Senior Principal Scientist, Merck
Physiochemical Learnings of Pharmaceutical Frozen Solution from Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
9:30 am -10:00 am Sarah Strangfeld, Scientist, Early Stage Formulation Sciences, AstraZeneca
A Solid Case for Lyophilized Antibody Drug Conjugates
10:00 am-10:30 am Break & Posters
10:30 am-11:00 am Lauren Fontana, Associate Director, Biologics Drug Product Development & Manufacturing and Global Head Lyophilization Center of Excellence, Sanofi & Navpreet Kaur, Scientist, Biologics Drug Product Development & Manufacturing, Sanofi
Demystifying Fogging in Lyophilized Products
11:00 am-11:30 am Xiuling Lu, Professor, University of Connecticut
Impact of Lyoprotectants and Freeze-drying Process on Nanoparticle Stability
11:30 am-12:00 pm Panel Discussion
12:00 pm-12:45 pm Lunch
12:45 pm-1:30 pm Poster Session
Scientific Session 3. Moderator: Bakul Bhatnagar, Associate Research Fellow , Pfizer Inc.
1:30 pm-2:00 pm Alina Alexeenko, Sr. Assoc. Dean and Professor, Purdue University
Harnessing Microwave Energy and Microscale Transport for Next-Generation Lyophilization Systems
2:00 pm-2:30 pm Kohsaku Kawakami, Group Leader, Japanese National Institute for Materials Science
Lyophilization to Manufacture Mesoporous Phospholipid Particles
2:30 pm-3:00 pm Xiaolin “Charlie” Tang, Principal Fellow, Regeneron
Advances in Protein Drug Product Lyophilization: Strategies to Improve Lyophilized Protein Drug Product
3:00 pm-3:30 pm Break (UConn Dairy Bar Ice Cream)
3:30 pm-4:00 pm Jayasree Srinivasan, Research Scientist II, Simtra BioPharma Solutions
Graphical Design Space for Primary Drying: Sources of Variability
4:00 pm-4:30 pm Panel Discussion
4:30pm-4:40pm Closing Remarks-Xiuling Lu
5:30 pm-8:00 pm Cocktail and Buffet Dinner, Pharmacy Biology Building (School of Pharmacy), Morosko Lounge
Serguei Tchessalov, Research Fellow, Pfizer
Kohsaku Kawakami, Group Leader, Japanese National Institute for Materials Science
Yongchao Su, Senior Principal Scientist, Merck
Alina Alexeenko, Sr. Assoc. Dean and Professor, Purdue University
Raj Suryanarayanan, William and Mildred Peters Endowed Chair, University of Minnesota
Emily Gong, Principal Research Scientist, Physical Sciences Incorporated
Robin H. Bogner, Professor, University of Connecticut
Xiuling Lu, Professor, University of Connecticut
Lauren Fontana, Associate Director, Biologics Drug Product Development & Manufacturing and Global Head Lyophilization Center of Excellence, Sanofi
Navpreet Kaur, Scientist, Biologics Drug Product Development & Manufacturing, Sanofi
Xiaolin “Charlie” Tang, Principal Fellow, Regeneron
Sarah Strangfeld, Scientist, Early Stage Formulation Sciences, AstraZeneca
Jayasree Srinivasan, Research Scientist II, Simtra BioPharma Solutions
Planning Committee
Robin H. Bogner, Professor, University of Connecticut
Xiuling Lu, Professor, University of Connecticut
Bakul Bhatnagar, Assoc. Res. Fellow, Pfizer
Lauren Fontana, Assoc. Director, Sanofi
Sajal Patel, Sr. Director, AstraZeneca
Shailaja Rambhatla Gupta, Sr. Director, Eli Lilly
Yongchao Su, Sr. Principal Scientist, Merck
Zak Yusoff, SME Aseptic Fill Finish
Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship commitment deadline June 30, 2024
If interested in sponsoring our symposium, please contact Robin Bogner: robin.bogner@uconn.edu
Registration Information and Fees
Please be advised: Registration will be capped at 100 attendees.
Before July 31
- Symposium (industry registrant): $350
- Symposium (academic registrant): $200
- Pre-symposium short course: $1,000
After July 31
- Symposium (industry registrant): $500
- Symposium (academic registrant): $250
- Pre-symposium short course: $1,200
Poster Submissions
Poster Submission Deadline: August 2, 2024
Poster Size: 6’wide x 4’ high
Poster Submission Link: https://uconn.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bOcDIRrMHNPA4HY
Hotel Accommodations
Graduate Storrs, 855 Bolton Road, Storrs, CT 06268
The Inn on Storrs, 123 Storrs Road, Mansfield Center, CT 06250 (link to hotel website)