360 ° Tour of Pharmacy School Classrooms, Labs, and Spaces

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Pharmacy School – South East Side

Pharmacy School Ground Floor Entrance

Milton & Rose Kalmanowitz Classroom – Lecture

Pharmacy Library

Second Floor Landing

Administrative Offices – Greeters Desk and interview Room

The James M. Faucette Classroom

Harold G. Hewitt Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Laboratories – Sample Faculty Lab

Medicinal Garden

Students – We hope you will join us!

Pharmacy School – North West Side – Science Quad

Oscar & Julia Roth Classroom – Lecture

Joseph Morosko Student Lounge

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dosage Forms Laboratory Suite

The Hait Family Innovative Learning Space

Dean’s Office

CVS Pharmacist Care Center

4th Floor Lounge

Sample Conference Room

Gerald H. Weitzman ’60 Student Lunch Room