About this Course
UConn has developed web-based continuing pharmacy education activities to enhance the practice of pharmacists and assist pharmacists in making sound clinical decisions to affect the outcome of anticoagulation therapy for the patients they serve. There are a total of 12 hours of CPE credit available. Successful completion of these 12 hours (13 activities) or equivalent training will prepare the pharmacist for the Anticoagulation Traineeship, which described below in the Additional Information Box.
The activities below are available separately for $17/hr or as a bundle price of $140 for all 13 activities (12 hours). These are the pre-requisites for the anticoagulation traineeship. Any pharmacist who wishes to increase their knowledge of anticoagulation may take any of the programs below.
When you are ready to submit quiz answers, go to the Blue "Take Test/Evaluation" Button.
Target Audience
Pharmacists who are interested in making sound clinical decisions to affect the outcome of anticoagulation therapy for the patients they serve.
This activity is NOT accredited for technicians.
Pharmacist Learning Objectives
At the end of this knowledge-based continuing education activity, the learner will be able to:
- Describe effective anticoagulation management strategies.
- Describe components of effective anticoagulation education session.
- Identify barriers to learning.
Release Date
Released: 06/01/2022
Expires: 05/31/2025
Course Fee
ACPE #0009-0000-22-026-H04-P
Session Code
Accreditation Hours
1.0 hours of CE
Bundle Options
If desired, “bundle” pricing can be obtained by registering for the activities in groups. This series consists of thirteen anticoagulation activities in our online selection.
You may register for individual topics at $17/CE Credit Hour, or for the Entire Anticoagulation Pre-requisite Series.
Pharmacist General Registration for 13 Anticoagulation Pre-requisite activities-(12 hours of CE) $140.00
In order to attend the 2-day Anticoagulation Traineeship, you must complete all of the Pre-requisite Series or the equivalent.
Additional Information
Anticoagulation Traineeship at the University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT
The University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy and The UConn Health Center Outpatient Anticoagulation Clinic have developed 2-day practice-based ACPE certificate continuing education activity for registered pharmacists and nurses who are interested in the clinical management of patients on anticoagulant therapy and/or who are looking to expand their practice to involve patient management of outpatient anticoagulation therapy. This traineeship will provide you with both the clinical and administrative aspects of a pharmacist-managed outpatient anticoagulation clinic. The activity features ample time to individualize your learning experience. A “Certificate of Completion” will be awarded upon successful completion of the traineeship.
Accreditation Statement
The University of Connecticut, School of Pharmacy, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. Statements of credit 1.0 hours (or 0.1 CEUS) for the online activity ACPE #0009-0000-22-026-H04-P will be awarded when the post test and evaluation have been completed and passed with a 70% or better. Your CE credits will be uploaded to your CPE monitor profile within 2 weeks of completion of the program.
Grant Funding
There is no grant funding for this activity.
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive CE Credit go to Blue Button labeled "take Test/Evaluation" at the top of the page.
Type in your NABP ID, DOB and the session code for the activity. You were sent the session code in your confirmation email.
Anuja Rizal, Pharm.D., RPh, CACP
Anticoagulation Clinical Coordinator
UConn Health Center
Farmington, CT
Faculty Disclosure
In accordance with the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Criteria for Quality and Interpretive Guidelines, The University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy requires that faculty disclose any relationship that the faculty may have with commercial entities whose products or services may be mentioned in the activity.
Dr. Rizal has no relationship with an ineligible company and therefore has nothing to disclose.
This activity may contain discussion of off label/unapproved use of drugs. The content and views presented in this educational program are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings.
Program Content
Program Handouts
Post Test Evaluation
View Questions for Anticoagulation Management Pearls
1. The Joint Commission revised National Patient Safety Goal is intended to:
- Ensure all providers are providing same level of care
- Set standards on provider’s level of knowledge of anticoagulant medications
- Reduce the likelihood of patient harm associated with the use of anticoagulant therapy
- Provide guidance on how to deal with providers who do not adhere to the standards
- None of the above
2. Which of the following are important Anticoagulation Management Considerations?
- Assessing pt’s fall risk
- Patient Education and Adherence
- Selecting appropriate drug
- All of the above
- None of the above
3. Staff education should consist of:
- Professionalism in the workplace
- Strategies to manage difficult coworkers
- Diversity training
- Effective time management strategies
- How to delegate
4. Which of the strategies is best when managing patients with language barriers?
- Ask pt. to bring in family members who can help interpret
- Ask pt. to bring in friend who can help interpret
- Ask bilingual coworker to help interpret
- Use google translate
- Use qualified interpreter
5. When speaking to deaf patients it is important to:
- Make indirect contact to avoid conveying incorrect tone/meaning thru facial expressions
- Speak slowly and clearly
- Learn ASL
- Use Visual Aids
- Repeat instructions
6. Which of the following statements are false?
- Using pamphlets or videos will enhance learning for the Visual learners
- A person can only have one learning style
- It is important to tailor the education to meet the pt’s learning style
- Kinesthetic learners learn best by gaining hands on experience
- Asking pt’s to repeat your points back to you by asking questions and calling for audience answers enhances learning for the Auditory learner
7. The best strategy to manage the non-compliant patient is to:
- Identify and address barriers to adherence
- Use motivational interviewing
- Minimize polypharmacy
- Utilize available family and social support
- All of the above
8. Select the most appropriate response:
- Medicare codes 99495 and 99496 are reimbursable for transitional of care services
- Transition of care addresses patients moving from one state to another
- Transition of care is handled solely by hospital staff
- Provide transition of care assistance to elderly patients who request it
- None of the above
9. Select the most appropriate response:
- Americans have been reported to have high health care literacy
- Low health care literacy can be managed by ensuring patients learn how to speak English
- Using interpreters can help combat low health care literacy
- Low health care literacy indicates cognitive decline
- None of the above
10. AIDET stands for:
- Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Train
- Acknowledge, Inform, Duration, Explanation, Train
- Acquaint, Inform, Describe, Extent, Teach
- Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thank you
- Acquaint, Introduce, Describe, Extent, Teach
Additional Courses Available for Anticoagulation
Vitamin K Antagonist Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Pharmacogenomics – 1 hour
Anticoagulation Management Pearls - 1 hour
Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Factor IIa and Xa Inhibitors – 1 hour
Laboratory Monitoring of Anticoagulation – 1 hour
Heparin/Low Molecular Weight Heparin and Fondaparinux Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy – 0.5 hours
Developing an Anticoagulation Clinic – 1.0 hour
Pharmacist Reimbursement for Anticoagulation Services – 0.5 hour
Risk Management in Anticoagulation – 1 hour
Perioperative Management of Warfarin Interruption – 1 hour
Hypercoagulable States – 1 hour
Challenging Topics in Anticoagulation – 1 hour
Available Strategies to Reverse Anticoagulation Medications - 1 hour
Case Studies in Drug Interactions with Anticoagulation Therapy – 1 hour