Devra Dang
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Educational Background
- Specialty Residency in Primary Care, W.G. Magnuson Clinical Center at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
- Pharmacy Practice Residency, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA
- Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
- Didactic and experiential teaching of pharmacy students
- Experiential teaching of pharmacy and medical residents
- Core faculty of the Urban Service Track curriculum – UConn School of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental Medicine, Nursing, and Social Work, and Quinnipiac University Physician Assistant program– specialized interprofessional curriculum designed to develop health care professionals dedicated to care of urban, underserved patients and working in interprofessional teams.
- Co-chair, UConn’s Committee on Interprofessional Excellence in Healthcare – multi-campus committee consisting of representatives from 11 health professions
Teaching Expertise
- Interprofessional education
- Primary care pharmacotherapy with an emphasis on diabetes, obesity, and respiratory conditions
- Health disparities
- Nonprescription medications and self-care
Clinical/Research Interests
- Innovative interprofessional education and team-based care
- Chronic disease management and care of underserved populations in primary care settings
- Medication adherence
- Neurodiversity
- Public Health
- Medication therapy management by pharmacists in outpatient settings
Practice Site
Burgdorf Primary Care Clinic Hartford, Connecticut
Selected Publications
Polomoff C, Dang DK, Chen JT. Adrenal gland disorders. In: Chisholm MA, Schwinghammer TL, Wells BG, Kolesar JM, Malone PM, DiPiro JT, eds. Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, 6th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2022.
Polomoff C, Chen JT, Dang DK. Pituitary gland disorders. In: Chisholm MA, Schwinghammer TL, Wells BG, DiPiro JT, Kolesar JM, Malone PM, eds. Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, 6th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2022.
Dang DK, Lee J. Adrenal hormones. In: Stuhan MA, ed. Understanding Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians, 2nd Edition. Maryland: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2022.
Adams K, Dang DK. Reproductive hormones. In: Stuhan MA, ed. Understanding Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians, 2nd Edition. Maryland: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2022.
Chen AMH, Ambruster AL, Buckley B, Campbell JA, Dang DK, Devraj R, et al. Curricular integration of health disparities/cultural competence and health literacy in U.S. and Canadian pharmacy programs. Am J Pharm Educ 2021 January, 85(1) 8200; DOI:
Dang DK. Taking medications. In: Cornell S, Halstenson C, Miller DK, eds. The Art and Science of Diabetes Self-Management Education: a Desk Reference for Healthcare Professionals, 5th Edition. Chicago: American Association of Diabetes Educators, 2020: chapter 7.
Dang DK, Wheeler K, Chen JT. Menopause hormone therapy. In: DiPiro JT, Yee GC, Posey LM, Haines ST, Nolin TD, Ellingrod V. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 11th Edition. New York: McGrawHill, 2020: chapter 98.
Dang DK, Salvo M, Polomoff CM. Menstruation-related disorders. In: O’Connell MB, Smith JA, eds. Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach,2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2019: chapter 9.
Murphy JE, Liles AM, Bingham AL, Chamberlin K, Dang D, Hill LG, Lee M, Leonard A, Lodise N, Rogers E. Interprofessional Education: Principles and Application – an update from the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP). ACCP White Paper. J Am College Clin Pharm. 2018;1-12.
Dang DK, Pucino F, Ponte CD, Calis KA. Drug-induced glucose and insulin dysregulation. In: Tisdale JE, Miller DA, eds. Drug-Induced Diseases: Prevention, Detection, and Management, Third Edition. Maryland: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2018:679-696.
UConn/Drug Topics MTM Diabetes Certificate Program – articles, case studies, and live sessions, 2012-2018.
UConn/Drug Topics MTM Respiratory Disease Certificate Program – articles, case studies, and live sessions, 2015-2016.
Wojtaszek D, Dang DK, Chen JT. MTM essentials for weight management. Drug Topics 2014;158(11):42-54.
Wojtaszek D, Dang DK. MTM essentials for management of CAD and PAD. Drug Topics 2014;158(3):68-79.
Salvo M, Holle L, Dang DK. The written communication. In: Lauster C, Srivastava S, eds. Fundamental Skills for Patient Care in Pharmacy Practice. Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2013:65-95.
Dang DK, Lee J. Analysis of symposium articles on insulin pens and alternative insulin delivery methods. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2010;4(3):558-561.
Page II RL, Hume AL, Trujillo JM, Leader G, Vardeny O, Neuhauser M, Dang D, Nesbit S, Cohen L. Interprofessional education: principles and application. A framework for clinical pharmacy. From the Task Force on Interprofessional Education. American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s (ACCP) White Paper. Pharmacotherapy 2009;29:145e-164e.
Calis KA, Popat V, Dang DK, Kalantaridou SN. Dysmenorrhea. eMedicine [online]. Updated December 18, 2008.
Herndon CM, Hutchinson RW, Berdine H, Stacy ZA, Chen JT, Farnsworth DD, Dang D, Fermo JD. NSAIDS and chronic non-malignant pain: a joint opinion statement of the cardiology, ambulatory care and pain/palliative care practice and research networks of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Pharmacotherapy 2008;28(6):788-805.
Tomky D, Marjorie C, Dang DK, Maryniuk M, Peyrot M, Mensing C, Fitzner K. American Association of Diabetes Educators position statement on AADE7™ self-care behaviors. Diabetes Educ 2008;34:445-9.
Chen JT, La Lopa JM, Dang DK. Innovations in Teaching: impact of Patient Empathy Modeling on pharmacy students caring for underserved patients. Am J Pharm Educ 2008;72(2):40-51.
McGriff-Lee NJ, Csako G, Chen JT, Dang DK, Rosenfeld KG, Cannon RO, Macklin LR, Wesley RA for the Anticoagulation Working Group. Search for predictors of non therapeutic INR results with warfarin therapy. Ann Pharmacother 2005;39:1996-2002. | |
Phone | (860) 714-3626 |
Mailing Address | 69 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3092 Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3092 |
Office Location | School of Pharmacy, Room 346 |
Campus | Storrs |